Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Stem Cell Research doesn't have to Destroy Embryos>1=8404

I've heard about this line of research before... Between this method of harvesting only one cell from the frozen embryo without harming it and the stem cells scientists can harvest from umbilical cords and placentas, why have so many pushed to destroy IVF embryos in order to harvest stem cells?

It just doesn't make sense. Stem cells can be obtained from other sources, yet the current political culture seems convinced that it's not possible. Those who are "pro-stem cell research" try to paint those who are not as being "unreasonable" because they wish to preserve an unborn child in the embryonic stage.

But here you go--genetically viable stem cells can be obtained without destroying the frozen child. Who's being unreasonable now?

It does make one wonder whether these "pro-stem cell research" politicians aren't just your run-of-the-mill abortion rights activists in sheep's clothing. You can almost hear their thought processes:

Hey, if we can kill a baby that's eighth months old in his/her mother's womb, why don't we slaughter thousands of frozen kids in a laboratory?

It's a puzzle to me. We'll see which politicians applaud this newly released research and which ones will continue to sing the same ol' tune... that babies must die in order to raise the quality of life for those rich enough to afford stem cell research treatments.

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